Mineral Water

and the Health

Knowing the composition of water we drink is important, as even though we need to get hydrated throughout our lives, our  body’s needs change with age, health, physical activity, diet and other circumstances, such as pregnancy, menopause… Therefore, it is important that whenever we are purchasing water we pay attention to its mineral composition.

Weak-mineralization water, such as Sierra Cazorla, is best indicated for preparation of infant foods, all weight-loss diets, people experiencing fluid-retention issues, low sodium diets.…

Balance in Sierra Cazorla’s unique composition -i.e. low content in sodium, and rich in calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates make it an exceptional water for the whole family.

Mineral Water

and the Health

Advice for an optimal degree of hydration in our body

  • Our body needs around 3 litres of water a day. About half of them are directly obtained from food in our diets, so 1.5 litres of water we need every day must be taken as such.
  • A general recommendation regarding water consumption is to take throughout the day moderate quantities at a time (8 250ml intakes ~ 8 glasses/day).
  • If water is taken during meals, just drink a small amount at a temperature not lesser than 15ºC (60ºF).
  • Increase water intake in situations entailing loss of liquids (sweating, fever conditions, etc.).
  • It is advisable to drink one or two glasses of water without having eaten in order to activate the body cleansing processes.
  • Do not replace intake of water for other drinks
  • Needs of breast-fed babies are covered by the daily food intake, be it human milk or formula milk.
  • Elder people lose their thirst sensation and need continuously be reminded to take water.
  • Do not wait to get thirsty to drink the periodical doses of water throughout the day.
  • Not all waters are the same, so reading the information available in product labels is recommended..

Mineral Water

and the Health

Water during childhood

Isidro Vitoria Miñana, MD / Children Nutrition Department, Xátiva Hospital (Valencia) / Date: 07/2009


What are the children water needs?

Children have water needs that are proportionately greater than those of adults as their caloric intake needs are greater as well and 70% of their body is water.

Do breast-fed babies need to take water?

Breast-fed babies do not need additional water unless under a high environment heat or if having suffered a excessive loss of liquid due to other reasons (diarrhoea, fever…).

Can drinking water be used in the feeding bottle?

Public consumption water must meet certain health requirements to be regarded as drinkable. If our municipality allows the use of drinking water, that means we can use it for preparing a feeding bottle.

Is boiling drinking water necessary?

Drinking water is free from bacteria (Salmonella, Scherichie Colli…) and viruses (Hepatitis A…) when subject to due chlorination. Usually is also free from parasites, but in order for it to be safe, it must have been filtered through pores preventing them from getting in by holding them off. Such filtering is not carried out in all instances. A simple way of disabling any potential

Mineral Water

and the Health

cysts (Giardia) or pocysts (Cryptosporidium) (parasites we are taking about) is to boil the water. These parasites may cause diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

For how long must the drinking water be boiled? potable?

According to the World Health Organization (1998) as well as to the Mother-Child Health Guide published by the Spanish Paediatrics Association (2001) it will suffice boiling the water for one minute from the moment in which boiling takes place on the surface. It is recommended to let it boil for an additional minute for each 1,000 metres of height over sea level.The earlier recommendation of boiling the water for 5 or 10 minutes must be disregarded as it has been proven that some substances as nitrates or sodium would get too concentrated.

Until what age must water be boiled for preparing feeding bottles?

Currently there is no unanimous opinion about when is no longer necessary to boil the water in infant nutrition, as it depends on two factors such as immunodepression (lack of defences in the body), recurring diarrhoeas, etc. Babies have a body area proportionately higher than older children and also take more free water in the milk as compared to older ages.Probably, when the baby starts crawling (which normally occurs at 9-12 months of age) there is no much point in keeping boiling the water while the infant is in contact with many

Mineral Water

and the Health

more contaminated particles.

However, it is worth reminding that the excellent sanitation practice by the parents of washing their hands before preparing the feeding bottles or the baby’s food must be never given up.

Can water from chards be used for preparing the feeding bottles?

Water obtained from boiling vegetables (especially green ones such as chards or spinach) must be never used as a replacement for water alone as besides not being more nutritive it may cause a serious blood disease called metahemoglobinemia (a disease causing difficulties in taking the oxygen to cells) due to an excess of nitrates.

Must water from bottled drinks de boiled?

Water from bottled drinks does not need to be boiled as, by definition, is free from any viruses, bacteria and parasites. Therefore, it can be used right from the bottle.

Are all waters from bottled drinks the same?

Water from bottled drinks in our country may be, in accordance with the EU regulations of several kinds:

  • Natural Mineral Water
  • Spring Water
  • Prepared Drinking Water

Total Body Water (TBW) as a percentage of total body weight in different age groups and sex.

Population / ACT as % of average body weight and interval

-0 to 6 months 74%
Body Water Percentage
-6 meses to 1 year: 60%
1 to 12 years 60%
Men 12 to 18 years 59%
Women 12 to 18 years 56%
Men 19 to 50 years 59%
Women 19 to 50 years 50%
Men from 51 years 56%
Women from 51 years 47%

Fuente: FNB 2004; Fuente original Altman 1961

2009 Agua Sierra de Cazorla S.A. Explotaciones Internacionales Acuíferas S.A.Todos los derechos reservados [Aviso legal] [Política de Privacidad] [Cookies]